I will add more entries in register now form.
## Fixing Design For Sign In Form
## Description
Input boxes have no border until clicked there .
Please provide a clear and detailed description of the issue, including any relevant backgro…
Hello. The register form doesn't work
### Is there an existing issue for this?
- [X] I have searched the existing issues
### Feature Description
The current Register.jsx, doesnt create the user.
It just stores the emailId of the user…
If there's a new user, the JobJourney web application shall provide the user with the ability to register using a form.
Use validation package to show form error
This ticket describes the intended behaviour of the Operation Information form when registering an operation
Please refer to this [prototype](https://www.figma.com/proto/LsDmLDCdnJqI8UahyqvOD8/BCIERS-…
Tasks :
- [x] Design Login Page
- [x] Design Register Page
- [x] Design Dashboard
- [x] Design Fakultas Page
- [x] Design Prodi Page
- [x] Design Tracer Alumni Page
- [x] Add Splash Screen