### Describe the Issue
[Java Platform Module System](https://openjdk.org/jeps/261) defines a way to register services to be located by [ServiceLoader](https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/21/docs/a…
I was able to complete some of the regression testing, however I am unable to complete a large portion of the testing due to lack of test cases. Most of the testing requires registration number (Regis…
I would like to add a **Dependency Inversion Container** class to the Pancake project. This class should be responsible for handling service (class) registrations and resolving these…
I would like to enhance the **DI Container** in the Pancake project to support **auto-registration** for services that are not explicitly registered in the container. This auto-regis…
**Describe the bug**
When an extension works improperly it can break the whole app.
~Maybe here it is caused by a bad `d.ts` file provided, not sure.~
According to the error message the problem is …
I ran the example using Docker
The services registered correctly with Eureka and the Gateway was able to communicate with Eureka
However when trying to call the Gateway from the browser, I kept gett…
### Describe the bug
Starting with a project created with:
`dotnet new serverless.Messaging`
I registered an `IAmazonDynamoDB` client with the `IServiceCollection` passed to `ConfigureService…
The following code is registered in the server side of my blazor hosted webassembly at works fine:
KeycloakClientInstallationCredentials keycloakClientInstallationCredentials = new();
Right now, we can configure timeout (connect, response) for individual routes configured in our application.yml, but there is no provision to set timeouts for route configured via Eureka. When we enab…
integrate a service that aims to list all services deployed. As the service provided in dev environment (:8000/services)
This service should be activable by configuration