Just wondering if anyone out there is working on a better mobile implementation of Sakugabooru. More people use Androids and iPhones than desktops these days. It could be extremely beneficial to the s…
Hihi, i'm trying to use this program to pull from https://www.sakugabooru.com/ but it's returning a 404 error. I'm assuming this is because it's running Moebooru, which is an altered version of Danboo…
Can I download a batch for example a whole tag?
I'm really, really happy to find this on reddit, thanks for doing this software! This tool is really usefull to use as reference to draw animations.
It's already working fine here, but can I recomm…
### Ask a question related to OpenToonz
I have this problem where whenever I try to draw a line with a brush that is not fully opaque or has soft edges it doesn't properly go over other lines in toon…
`gallery-dl.exe https://yande.re/pool/show/98590 -K` doesn't have any tag (I wanted for directory) that would contain title of pool: "Megami #⁠279 2023-08"
I try to save some image with all tag as file's name.
and I already set win 10 With a Registry Hack “LongPathsEnabled”
and set Grabber's options >> save >> filename >> Max length
but when I s…
I'm trying to find the post page of links such as these:
I expected this to work:
Hi Jason
I have been chatting with Mozilla engineers about MV3 userScripts support and was wondering if you can get some stats on the number of userScript/userStyle/userCSS that use regex in their …
前几天还能正常使用 自由切换大图和原图输出地址下载 现在只能下载原图了 (点了大图选项输出地址还是原图的)
Chrome 版本 121.0.6167.185(正式版本) (64 位) 篡改猴 v5.0.1
有变动的操作: 修改了yandere的host (之前都用的魔法
不知道是不是和gelbooru冲突然后bug了 发现g站的瀑布贴下载列表是没有大图原图…