### Describe the bug, including details regarding any error messages, version, and platform.
The following code runs without problem
from pyarrow import schema, struct, field
from pyarrow impo…
[Rails 7 added support for a few query assertions](https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/main/activerecord/lib/active_record/testing/query_assertions.rb):
assert_queries_count(1) { Post.firs…
It seems I can't properly edit my Madden 19 franchise file because the expected schema is M19 95.5, but the default loaded schema is M19 95.7. Any help on how to obtain the correct schema would be app…
A schema with `"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-06/schema"` i.e. no trailing `#` will make jesse believe this is not a draft6 schema, and complain about unsupported schema.
### Describe the feature
Need APIs to return table detailed information including catalog info (might be multiple) when requesting schema and table without catalog
Below describe API request and r…
Hi ,
I would like to know how to match two csv files...
working with APIs there are some endpoints that return compound data... for example (just for demonstration... not a real example)
``` json
// child schema
{ "name": "Luke Skywalker", "age": 30 }
// …
When trying to convert my backup file, I receive the following error:
C:\MC6ProIntuitive>python mc6pro.py -b Morningstar_MC6PRO_All_Banks_Backup_20240912_080002.json backup.yaml
Mngnt updated
2 months ago
I have a schema which defines a number of different messages to be used within a protocol. There are individual schema for each message type and a union used by the protocol which includes all message…
Expand the user profile with a resume view, that is loaded from standard format. It should be possible to link structured information about my skills for matching purposes.
- https://europass.europ…
loleg updated
2 weeks ago