In ms2003 shuangpin scheme, *y* should be *v*, like *ny* should be *女*.
But now, *nv* is *女*.
I use Ubuntu 18.04, plasmashell 5.12.6, fcitx Version: 1:, fcitx-sunpinyin Version: 0.4.2-1.
there's also a helpful tutorial website I found
https://api.ihint.me/shuang/ maybe we can link to it?
This only happens when the first three or less candidates have two characters an…
- 微软双拼显示分号(;) #190
- 独立数字行
- 仓颉/注音输入法在键盘上显示对应的符号
- QWERTZ/AZERTY/Dvorak/Colemak 等键盘布局
- 九宫格拼音 #109
- 日语十二键 #375
- 用户自定义键盘布局
Keyboard layout controlled by input…
rocka updated
1 month ago
I tested three input methods, ABC, Pinyin and Shuangpin, only ABC can work properly, the remaining two will have missing functions, such as 'mk', 'dm' can not work.
我用的紫光双拼 https://github.com/xtccc/ziguang_shuangpin
xtccc updated
2 years ago
At the moment, it appears that the detection of IME preedit is based on word boundaries. This does not work if characters such as `;` are used as part of the input method (for example, some shuangpin …
Emacs版本 : 25.1
操作系统 : ubuntu 12.04
遇到的问题 : 请问使用您的配置,要如何切换到双拼输入法。在使用原生spacemacs配置时可以通过加载chinese层,并且配置(setq pyim-default-scheme 'pyim-shuangpin)启用。但使用您的配置,我在init.d中加载chinese层,emacs没有下载Chinese-pyim…
1 如何不显示形码的辅助码:
dictionary: flypy_flypy.extended
enable_completion: false
# 默认为不超过 2 个字的候选项显示输入码;将 2 改为 0 可关闭编码提示,
# 改为 1 则是只显示单字的输入码,依此类推。