Quando il satosa backend deve provare a distinguere tra flusso cross device e same device, nel **pre-auth endpoint** fa questa cosa
I have Upgrade 1.3.2 to 1.3.3 but wallet error no sys late:
I canot open or Recover Seed.
error when calling /wallet/init/seed: cannot init from seed until blokchain is synced
error w…
I just noticed that I saved only 21 words instead of 28 or 29 and can’t access my wallet , what can I do? Did I just lost everything?
To be done prior to focussing on #307.
Would it be possible to add possibility to provide password/seed via docker secret to increase security?
extended feature task, flowing out of #309
Certainly not as important (for now) compared to the other wallet merges.
In a nutshell, the defrag feature introduces the concept of value dust. Meani…
Sia UI loads up normally, but then the "files" tab shows "loading files" but never changes. Eventually, after several hours, Sia client takes all RAM and runs the HD up to 100% making the computer imp…
Secondo le specifiche attuali, nel flusso di autenticazione il Relying Party espone un Request URI endpoint `/request_uri?id=xxx` che il wallet chiama per acquisire un Request Object. Questo Request O…
**How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)**
1. Deposit 500 SC into Sia wallet
1. Set allowance of 500 SC for 12w
1. Wait for 50 contracts to form
1. Uplo…
**My wallet was syncing to the network, it got to 40% and then crashed. It said siad has exited unexpectedly, and then sent this message:**
(0/6) Loading siad...
(1/6) Loading gateway.…