First I want to say thank you for the detailed explanation of the exercise that really helped me to wrap my head around the problem. I found though a little issue with the formula $$T(n,2) = \frac{n^2…
# SICP Exercise in chapter1 — nyaaar's Blog
Chapter 1
# 魔法书:SICP | 程序员的喵
All about coding and writing
Hey I saw this repo pop up in my feed. SICP is so cool! Last winter, I really enjoyed watching these videos that cover SICP for a programming meetup group: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVFrD…
Do we have ones? I've made my own funtional variants inspired by SICP examples, but it seems they are lacking efficiency.
`ap` and `sp` macros are core components of the library but it is not clear what the names mean, so it's difficult to add them to one's internal vocabulary.
In their docstrings they're described as…
Hi @runejuhl
I saw you out my interactive version of sicpdistilled on your site?
What are your plans?
Would you like to collaborate?