Hi, there.
Recently, I learned about SimpleXML and tried my luck to find some bugs. Here is what I found.
As you know, SimpleXML can serialize and deserialize XML document. So I tested for these funct…
### Description
The following code:
Continuation of #16 and thanks for adding :)
We should add operations with the extension else it is not really useful in practice.
Later I will comment suggested operations to do.
Install SimpleXML PHP Extension
ERROR: PHP_CodeSniffer requires the tokenizer, xmlwriter and SimpleXML extensions to be enabled. Please enable xmlwriter and SimpleXML. SyntaxError: Unexpected token…
"psr/http-message": "^2.0"
The src/Helper.php need to be updated
` if ($httpMessage instanceof ResponseInterface) {
$xmlString = (string)$httpMessage->getBody();
composer install
squizlabs/php_codesniffer 3.2.3 requires ext-simplexml * -> the requested PHP extension simplexml is missing from your system.
composer require simplexml
We do not save all our xml as utf-8
for example user.xml files
`$xml = new SimpleXMLElement('');`
usually we do
`$xml = new SimpleXMLExtended('');`
for cdata support and utf-8 encoding
I suggest we…
Shows empty
``` php
$data → obj•14 SimpleXMLElement[13] {
'pubDate' → str•31 'Wed, 16 Jan 2013 11:51:13 -0600'
'title' → obj•25 SimpleXMLElement[0] {}
'url' → obj•20 SimpleXMLElement[0] {}
'meta' → …
After upgrading to wordpress 4.9.8 I was getting a php parse error ` parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found in` to fix this I replaced `$svg = simplexml_load_file( $svg );` with `$svg = s…
Ao tentar processar a transação recebo o seguinte error. Como resolver posso resolver?
`simplexml_load_string(): Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found {"userId":1,"ema…