## Request to add a plugin on Poggit Release
I am writing to request that an old plugin be added onto Poggit Release. Details are as follows:
#### Plugin Name
#### Link to GitHub re…
Slapper stats with economyapi topmoney money system
why do the slapper disappear?
How can i make slappers work with this software? How did you make NPC's work with steadfast on CPE?
Due to things like CompoundTag's being missing, the latest version of slapper doesnt work with th…
Is the plugin intentional to log a command that is run from hitting a slapper? Currently I have a plugin that let players run rankup command upon clicking the slapper, and it logs that onto discord.
**Duration (choose one and replace the corresponding "[ ]" with "[X]")**
- [X] Long
- [ ] Short
- [ ] No duration
**Effect Description**
Player can't use inventory and can only use slap melee
Slapper will not work when installing this plugin, thus it will downgrade the Slapper plugin version to 1.5.20-uhappynow.
Could not load plugin 'BossPlugin': Unknown dependency: Slapper please add the new dependency
When i slap the entity, it does not work (Commands Work), if i restart the whole server, sometimes the slapper work but sometime does not work.
I am using API version 3.14.2 MCBE 1.16.0 and using l…
Thread: Main
Error: Wertzui123\Rewards\events\RewardClaimEvent::__construct(): Argument #2 ($commands) must be of type array, null given, cal…