**Link and Description**
Link: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2648308937
Description: World War 2 …
Please describe your suggested enhancement:
Provide "spear/spearhead" as a charge. "Embrued" is with blood dripping from
it, sometimes spelled "imbrued." A "half spear" signifies the upper half o…
Please describe your suggested enhancement:
Provide "spear/spearhead" as a charge. "Embrued" is with blood dripping from
it, sometimes spelled "imbrued." A "half spear" signifies the upper half o…
Please describe your suggested enhancement:
Provide "spear/spearhead" as a charge. "Embrued" is with blood dripping from
it, sometimes spelled "imbrued." A "half spear" signifies the upper half o…
Force an EAX2 call to "initialize" EAX with 2.0 paramaeters and dsoal 1.31a doesn't work
openal - openal-soft-1.22.1
log does not create.
Implement the post subtitles ([slack thread](p1602238858084500-slack-C029FM1EH))
### Version modpack Used
TerraFirmaGreg 0.7.14 modern
### Environment
Singleplayer, survival mode
### New Worlds
### Expected Behavior
Knapping a pebble into 2 stone knife heads, take one o…
I think using the meka style for cold weapons has the same sense of dissonance as a circuit board being sharpened and used as a spearhead for a spear, and would like to see some consideration given to…