Now that Cucumber and Gherkin are going out of style, how about developing standards for feature specs?
Apart from a couple [years-old](https://www.chrisdpeters.com/blog/introduction-feature-specs-…
* [ x] I've searched in the docs and FAQ for my answer: https://bit.ly/argocd-faq.
* [ x] I've included steps to reproduce the bug.
* [ x] I've pasted the output of `argocd version`.
python3-saml.spec should be named python-python3-saml.spec, and its "Name:" line switched to "python-python3-saml"
python3-openid.spec should be named python-python3-openid.spec and its "Name:" line …
What if we change spec to be steps that are configurable. Possible steps are Filter, Select, and Verify. Each step can occur more than once. The output of one is the input to the next essentially.
Most of the specs are failing due to the ISO 8601 string differences:
diff from : LAST-CHANGE="2012-04-06T23:51:37+00:00"
diff to : LAST-CHANGE="2012-0…
I didn't realize the Java Edition has an in-built mechanism that converts JSON NBT, I thought the concept behind that was just a mechanic of users working with NBT data outside of the game itself, li…
- [ ] User creates sub-directory named after target in bulkdock input root
- [ ] User adds SDF to the target subdirectory
- [ ] Bulkdock periodically checks for the SDF
- [ ] Validation of SDF (che…
### Describe the Bug
When running in development mode, I see a Vie's recommendation about HTML Specifications for v-table that makes sense to me.
`11:04:31 PM [vite] warning: cannot be child of ,…
To make sure the Solidity implementation follows the IBC Eureka spec, we need to do an analysis of the current implementation and see where we might be diverging from the spec. Once we have done that,…