Thank you again.I'm not sure if my fault. But I didn't see where your spp_layer was.
大佬好,那个SPP_Layer 是要自己编译吗?有参考的地方吗?
TypeError: Expected binary or unicode string , got None
in line: spp = tf.reshape(max_pool, [num_sample, -1])
How to resolve it ?
The lack of SPPs makes making new textures harder.
Making an SPP for our current textures might be difficult, maybe it'll be easier to make new ODST textures?
Hi, everyone
I found something about the SPP layer in the config file, and I want to know why it was designed to be between several convolutional layers, and why this works?
I hope I've clearly desc…
i read that yolo spp is better then yolo "normal" in any cases.
When should we use:
Full-model: 5 yolo layers: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AlexeyAB/darknet/master/cfg/yolov3_5l.cfg
I have a model trained in caffe which uses SPP layer. I was trying to convert this but there is no support for an SPP layer in MMdnn. Since this layer uses pooling and the shape and stride of the oper…
Hi @AlexeyAB ,
When I use Yolov3-SPP.cfg for trainning my custom dataset, I find a strange thing.
In the 78 layer of Yolov3-SPP.cfg (i.e., the first max-pooling layer of SPP), the size of input …
Hey! I trained yolo3 with lstm and spp layers. How can you optimize the code so that your configurator can read custom route85, output and bottleneck layers? If I delete these functions, then the froz…
I saw that the spatial pyramid pooling was recently introduced into YOLOV3 and a new pretrained model was uploaded. However when I downloaded weight from https://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolo…