Due to work requirements, we have updated the Java version to 22. As some libraries also need to be upgraded, we found that ShardingSphere needs to be updated to 5.4.1. However, we could not find the …
Please add support / auto-configuration for Vibur DBCP connection pool (https://github.com/vibur/vibur-dbcp) in spring-boot.
Vibur DBCP is a concurrent, fast, and fully-featured JDBC connection poo…
I am using your library with spring boot.
I have the following settings in my `application.yaml`:
## Question:
Most of the time it works, but occasionally errors, parameters and SQL are correct
1、My projects occasionally have the following errors :
### Cause: java.sql…
**[metacubed](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=metacubed)** opened **[DATAREST-1300](https://jira.spring.io/browse/DATAREST-1300?redirect=false)** and commented
Spring Data JDBC re…
Here is an example: https://spring.io/guides/gs/relational-data-access
The goal is to force us to write SQL queries to retrieve the data for the API. :)
So all the methods will need to be writte…
I tried to do a query on a PostgresSQL database with JSON content, something like:
select * from mytable where mytable -> 'myelement' ? 'key123';
It doesn't work as this in a native …
I'm developing an application that connects to PostgreSQL via JDBC using Spring Boot and HikariCP.
When attempting to stop the application (sending SIGINT) while a long-running query is active, it …
I've create a project with the following entity
public record Contact(
@Id Long id,
Boolean isOrganization
I'm using it with a standard repository