# 在 Spring Boot 中使用 Spring Security + JWT + MySQL 实现基于 Token 的身份认证 - spring 中文网
本文通过实际案例介绍了在 Spring Boot 中如何使用 Spring Security、JWT 和 MySQL 数据库实现基于 Token 的身份认证。
# [Spring Security ID/PW JWT 인증/인가] 04 - Refresh Token 도입 | DUKCODE의 블로그
Refresh Token 도입
Should we generate our own token or use the Google OAuth Token required for logging the user?
### Description
The context is IAM integration and validating user tokens (JWT) provided by the identity provider. When a JWT is returned, it may be signed (depending on the identity provider). T…
## ⚠ Issue
Security 세팅, 카카오&구글 소셜 로그인을 개발합니다.
## ✏️ To-do
### 기능
- [x] Spring Security 세팅
- [x] JWT 로직 개발
- [x] Redis 로직 개발
- [x] OAuth2 (Google, Kakao) 개발
## Memo
## 작업 요약
spring security 도입
### 작업 세부 사항
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@zvigrinberg I run the keycloak and springboot apps on local laptop. Both running in containers fine with keycloak at port `8080` and springboot at `8081`. I managed to request TOKEN from the keycloak…
jwt, spring security 사용해서 인증, 인가 구현
새로 추가된 부분
- securityConfig 작업 (spring boot 3 버전 이상 부터는 lamda 형식으로 작성 필요)
- jwt관련 로직을 관리하는 jwtUtil 작성
- jwtAuthenticationFilter 작성
- userDetail 작업 ( member…
## Error in Unconv Spring
**com.auth0.jwt.exceptions.SignatureVerificationException** in **HMACAlgorithm.java:57**
The Token's Signature resulted invalid when verified using the Algorithm: HmacSHA256…
would it be possible please to upgrade Nimbus dependency in Spring Security 5.8.x?
The library is vulnerable to https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2023-52428.