### #StandWithUkraine
Sincere and deep sympathy with colleagues in Ukraine, and neighboring countries in this very difficult time!!
Many of us want to help! We could collect some links and informati…
Please support Ukraine, more infos here: https://github.com/vshymanskyy/StandWithUkraine
For some reason, I am unable to upload one specific RPM file. I tried from the WebUI and CLI and I get the same error:
➭ openrepo upload redis-7.0.5-2.el7.remi.x86_64.rpm --repo_uid intello_rp…
більш не підтримує Ґітхаб цей функціонал, на жаль
[Що я маю на увазі](https://github.com/search?q=vshymanskyy%2FStandWithUkraine&type=codelegacy)
| Q | A
| --------------------| ---------------
| PHPUnit version | 9.5.23
| PHP version | 8.2.16
| Installation Method | Composer / PHAR
#### Summary
we tr…
> Provide console output if related. Use `--verbose` mode for more details.
nodeInfo: 20.11.0
osInfo: macOS 14.6.1
cpuInfo: (12) arm64 Apple M2…
when i run `composer require poteto-dev/laravel-ui-stisla --dev`, i get some error like this
composer require poteto-dev/laravel-ui-stisla --dev
Info from https://repo.packagist.org: #StandWith…
Any chance we could get an update to Symfony 6? I just tried installing and it failed.
webuser@app:/var/www$ php bin/composer req basster/twig-base64-extension
Cannot create cache directory /…
## Motivation ("The Why")
Using NPM, we can check for outdated packages:
khalyomede@ubuntu:~/programming/test npm outdated
Package Current Wanted Latest Location …
Trying your package.
With Laravel 9 fresh install got following error, if try with Laravel 8 other errors are displayed.
composer require helori/laravel-saas
Info from https://repo.packagist.…