I'm trying to use the library but even if the code compile correctly and I can build it, when debugging once the program arrives to the "EE_Write()" function the program stop responding and don't save…
Hello there,
I tried to start my embedded project on a '[blue pill]( https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006788305638.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.5.619a1802RlTso6 )' and followed '[Rust…
Any code don`t work on this board. Error:
Arduino-STM32-nRF24L01\MirfHardwareSpiDriver.cpp:22:23: error: 'SPI_2XCLOCK_MASK' was not declared in this scope SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_2XCLOCK_MASK);
How …
Firstly, u8g2 is a fantastic project.
Sometimes we need to use custom font data, and using bdfconv can create custom font data, but!! when I have a lot of fonts data and the MCU's Flash capaci…
I tried from IBusBM-1.1.5, the Ibus_sensor example.
I tried it on the Arduino mega 2560 = Ok, transmits sensor data.
I tried on ESP 32 = Ok, transmits sensor data.
I tried on STM32F103C8T6 …
Отличный проект.
Хочу попробовать собрать Universal STM32 Boards вместе с Stm32F103C8T6.
Был ли опыт сбора с этим камнем?
Хочу попробовать совместить на одной board'е сразу и USB и питание …
I am trying to show pictures and videos on an st7789 screen with stm32f103c8. I wanted to try your code but my Keil uVision version does not support (L6047U: The size of this image (49960 byte…
Hello, I would like to know if it is possible for this library to work with the stm32f103c8t6 cards, currently when I try to compile I get an error, and I can not change the library to work.
i'm currently trying to write and read a data structure into eeprom which looks basically like this
typedef struct s_machinecfg {
uint8_t version,
uint16_t datax,
uint16_t datay,…