Metrics to watch:
- Hellinger distance
- Mean Absolute Error
- Mean Square Difference
Repo Owner Details
Name - Prof. S. Dharmaraja
GitHub handle - dharmarajas
Email id - dharmar@maths.iitd.ac.in
1. **Hosting Unit**:
1| Discrete and Continuous Type Random Variables| https:…
Fill up the ranks of PDFs with the following. Please feel free to suggest more missing distributions and write in the comments if you want to implement one.
- [ ] Apollonis, [shape for …
We could add some more distributions, at least:
* t-distribution (`"student"`)
* Weibull (`"weibull"`)
Maybe also more multivariate distributions?
* multivariate t-distribution (`"mvstude…
We've tried a bunch of approaches for getting ACL2/ACL2s installed on students' computers, but it generally ends up being painful. There are a few reasons one might want to do this, but for class purp…
In file `overlays/host/etc/profile.d/ssh_setup.sh` and `.csh`, UIDs starting at 500 are considered user accounts.
In lieu of hard-coding this, one could use something like the following to determin…
Submitting Author Name: Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH
Submitting Author Github Handle: @spsanderson
Other Package Authors Github handles: None
Repository: https://github.com/spsanderson/TidyDens…
thanks for creating the Distributions.jl package. I used the Student t distribution in a likelihood function and I noticed some numerical instability for large values of the degrees of freed…
### Description
Distributions allow for more decimal places
### Purpose
Teaching students about proportions under the normal curve using the Distributions module. For example, “what proportion of s…
in order for a measure to be valid for the chaos its moments must be defined up to the required marginal polynomial degree
some distributions have no moments at all (Student, LogNormal), some distrib…