Have a look at this!
We need to have enough data sources to make sufficient progress in this project
Here are a few websites containing data related to Islam
I need help to download/scrape this data in csv format so…
Is there a road map or plan to add the famous Tafaseers to this application? I have seen the translations are already there and provide great help but adding tafseer will help common people to get mor…
just a feature suggestion; would be useful for someone learning arabic to have each word linked to the correponding corpus link (eg first word of http://quran.com/1:1 to http://corpus.quran.com/wordmo…
I want to search a word in Quran and show me the result by revelation times
salam alaykom
how can i add a new persian translation and tafsir ?
السلام عليكم وجزاكم الله خيرا على تطبيق قرآن أندرويد.
لاحظت وجود تفسير الجلالين لكن غير مصحوب بكتاب لباب النقول في أسباب النزول للسيوطي أرجو منكم إضافة هذا الكتاب المهم جدا بجانب أسباب النزول للواحدي…
Please add some of Uyghur language translations to quran.com.
The following is one of the site this translation used:
The ID is surah id and some of the …
Assalamu aleykum brothers!
May Allah reward you for your excellent work.
I am interested in adding to your program 4 interpretation to the holy Quran in Farsi language. This is .db file .
I got a few reports that on tafaseer with ayat in them (Saadi, others), the ayah isn't colored. These are on the latest version and running Android 13 (Samsung device from one of the reports at least)…