Sentry Issue: [BLT-DJANGO-QP](https://blt-ow.sentry.io/issues/6097985112/?referrer=github_integration)
ValueError: Missing staticfiles manifest entry for 'img/browser-logos/comodo dragon/comodo d…
This warning arises on a ` python manage.py check`:
?: (templates.E003) 'static' is used for multiple template tag modules: 'django.templatetags.static', 'tendenci.apps.theme.templ…
A test failed on a tracked branch
Error: thrown: "Exceeded timeout of 5000 ms for a test.
Add a timeout value to this test to increase the timeout, if this is a long-running test. See https://jes…
Reading the django docs on custom tags i figured I should do {% load ratings %} however this doesn't work. How are the tags loaded? The name to load should really be added to the README file.
when i compile all uses SASS files in known templates via django-compressor i get those errors:
Error parsing template /site-packages/jazzmin/templates/admin/filer/file/change_form.html: 'fi…
Scheduletags tags return sometimes hardcoded html like:
` return mark_safe(
% (
reverse(f"{target}", kwargs={"calendar_slug": slug}),
Alike `{% static "foo.png" %}` from Django
docker compose exec web poetry run python manage.py loaddata admin_account
System check identified some issues:
: (templates.W003) 'log' is used for multiple template tag modules: 'dj…
News and events template tags are not working. There are few issues. First one is that `work_out_entity` on this [line](https://github.com/evildmp/Arkestra/blob/develop/news_and_events/templatetags/ne…
Once [# 30](https://github.com/koenbok/Cactus/pull/30) is merged, the following diff implements this feature.
``` diff
diff --git a/cactus/models.py b/cactus/models.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000…
amitu updated
9 years ago