Some refs:
- https://github.com/trailsjs/trailpack
- https://github.com/trailsjs/trailpack-sequelize
I am using Trailsjs for project on Compliance system. It is a wonderful framework for a web application development. Though I am using session management using hapi-auth-jwt2 and own made permiss…
Currently footprintOptions are hardcoded here : https://github.com/trailsjs/trailpack-webserver/blob/master/index.js#L5
I think this is a limitation :( because that prevent some ORM to offer more opt…
Waterline query is https://github.com/waterlinejs/waterline#pagination
But trailpack-waterline use https://github.com/trailsjs/trailpack-waterline/blob/master…
generator-trails need some `` under archetype for some features like web server trailpack or template engine. But if we add this eslint crash with :
`error Parsing error: Unexpected token
> Begin your Journey by clicking Start!
resolves to http://beta.trailsjs.io/en/start when only /start exists.
#### Issue Description
I would love to see (or write) a guide on how to migrate a WIP project from SailsJS (since it's based on that) to TrailsJS. If possible.
#### Environment
- node version: 6.…
Requested to open a ticket here, from trailsjs/trails#28.
This is regarding creating a generator for HMVC version of trails.
I currently have a POC of how this could be organised [here](https://gith…
For same as controller/policies (https://github.com/trailsjs/trails/issues/89) it would be nice to have a standardized API for trailpack who want include models
If I specify a route with `*` as my 404 this reverse does not make it the last route which is part of express spec. We m…