I ran into issue working on triplestore datasets containing multiple graphs. The script causing the unexpected behavior:
from tripper import Triplestore
ts = Triplestore(
Shall we combine these classes into one ?
A typical use case for RDF validation is to validate the RDF data that one wants to insert in a Triplestore.
As an example, imagine want wants to do the following:
labra updated
1 month ago
I merged #181, started working on #224 and then realized that all my collections were gone. Or rather, they don't appear in the frontend anymore because my old testing collections are stored in the re…
Some docs mentioned that it is possible to synchronize VocBench and ShowVoc together.
In order to do so I suppose we will need to use a dedicated TripleStore that both VocBench and ShowVoc will acces…
上下文:The triples form an RDF database—called a triplestore—which can be populated with detailed information about some domain_
翻译:三元组仓库 or 三元组存储
`rdfproxy` injects an ORDER BY solution modifier into SPARQL queries for grouped models, see #114.
The query constructor for SPARQL queries associated with *ungrouped* models currently does not inj…
lu-pl updated
13 hours ago
# Currently not workin since update to agraph 2.0 - work in progress
from rdflib import Graph
from streamlit_agraph import TripleStore, agraph
graph = Graph()
I'm proposing to consider a new type of SHACL Shape (e.g. 'RepositoryShape') to enforce a vendor-neutral constaints on RDF graphs on a repository level (or triplestore-level in case if there is to 're…