You mention that…
I want to create a dashboard, I have shown one element of that dashboard below. It has been requested that all the boxes have rounded corners. I don't think that is possible right now with TDzHTMLText…
permettre un mappage des boutons (pour prendre en charge des gamepad non gérés) ou d'autres types d'appareils vus comme des gamepad
- retaper les boutons
- remapper les axes
faire une classe po…
When i use Code Formatter on this unit i receive an error:
Format Error (15,1):Symbol Excepted.
Current: "Interface"
i tried the integrated CF inside XE3 and it works properly.
``` pascal
I have a simple FMX-projecz (Win32) and try to use FastMM5 but it doesn't report leaks. Under VCL all works fine.
What's wronmg here?
program Project1;
FMX Memo is very slow for large quantities of text.
Possible solutions could be: VCL version.
Or faster FMX TMemo replacement.
Or possibilities could be processing/parsing and saving directly…
Plz see
Either VCL or FMX cannot make an EXE with pyinstaller.exe
On GUIPY the script runs with no problem
Plz see
Either VCL or FMX cannot make an EXE with pyinstaller.exe
On GUIPY the script runs with no problem
Could use some conditional defines I think to check if the project is FMX or VCL one and use the appropriate Style management unit. The more or less the rest of the code should be the same
pls could you add support for unit scopes http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Rio/en/Unit_Scope_Names
Vcl.Forms; // undeclared identifier
in delphi you can specify defa…