As breakpts recognizes vim line execution, use it to detect code coverage
The configuration options in the setup function should also have a viml options for those that like to switch themes on the fly.
I just came across a relevant project: https://github.com/ynkdir/vim-vimlparser
Here's a short explanation of what it does: http://usevim.com/2013/03/04/script-roundup/
Recently a commit which introduced viml injections in lua inside vim.cmd etc got merged.
Idk if this would be possible but it would be rly cool if you could check for `local = vim.cmd` then `()`
As part of the performance push, @jordwalke proposed the idea of caching the JS configuration via a raw VimL script:
From #351, quick summary of @jordwalke's idea:
> To summarize my original posit…
可以提供一个 list 列表,和一个 callback 函数,用 Leaderf 的搜索方式提供搜索,关闭 leaderf 窗口后,调用一下用户提供的回调,告知选择结果,null 代表用户没做选择。
Run static analyzers on the corresponding code:
- flake8
- pylint
- vint
And then reformat the code with autopep8.
* nvim --version: NVIM v0.3.2-707-g082e14557, LuaJIT 2.0.5
function! g:RunTest()
throw "foo"
Case 1
- Open Test.vim
- `:source %`
- `:call g:RunTest(…
### Self Checks
- [X] I'm using the latest lualine.
- [X] I didn't find the issue in existing issues or PRs.
### How to reproduce the problem
1. Use a version of Neovim ≥ `commit e049c…
Currently if one wants to emulate `:python` with user commands he will be stuck at implementing `