Board: NUC980-ETH2UART
Ethernet module: [WIZ810Sio](https://www.wiznet.io/product-item/wiz810sio/)
Driver: From linux kernel 4.7 [w5100.zip](https://github.com/OpenNuvoton/NUC980-linux-4.4.y/files…
I'm building a project where I hope to use the W5100S with the LWIP IP stack, and
noticed gcc complaining about several set but unused (never read) variables.
For example, in [w5x00_lwip.c:110](ht…
I am using W5100S in my own board, and use the UDP LoopBack code to run in a STM32F103RC chip.
when send more bytes to w5100s, the loopback_udps(0,ethBuf0,50000) function will be stopped automaticall…
Adafruit CircuitPython 8.0.3 on 2023-02-23; Raspberry Pi Pico with rp2040
I am building HTTP server with W5100S and can't get this library to work properly because of adafruit_wiznet5k_socket, i thin…
Can you also add the WIZnet W5500-EVB-Pico2 and WIZnet W5100S-EVB-Pico2 boards?
The module turns on and I am able to receive an address via DHCP but when I try to initialize a UDP socket to transmit a broadcast package I received an error:
>[code]>> import socket
>>> socket.S…
I want an example to be added to the Adafruit_wiznet5k library.
Is it possible to upload the Adafruit library as in the examples on Wiznet's github?
For your information, they are based on Adafruit'…
I have a trouble with making requests to telegram bot API using urequests.
`urequests.post("https://api.telegram.org/bot" + botToken + "/sendMessage?chat_id=" + str(chatId) + "&text=" + text)`
I ha…
I'm currently working with the [Wiznet W5500-EVB-PICO](https://www.wiznet.io/product-item/w5500-evb-pico/). For those who aren't familiar, it's essentially a Raspberry Pi Pico and a [Wiznet Ethernet H…
I am testing the W5x00_ftp_server.c in a W5100S-EVB-Pico, and I can't upload files to the FTP Server or edit the ones that exists there.