Please don't delete these questions! They are asked almost with every issue - answering them as below saves us time from asking them!
**First step**
Try to debug the skin yourself. If you can't …
After installing this module, I am getting this error reoccurring in my logs:
Mar 29 22:16:23 weather-pi weewx[5717] CRITICAL __main__: **** File "/usr/share/weewx/weewxd", line 15…
I run a variety of other similar things (AllSky, WeeWX Weather) and I'm able to rsync/scp/ftp the website to an external server. It would be really nice if we could do this with Birdnet-PI instead of …
Hello!! I am utilizing a Davis Vantage Pro2 station with Weewx, Kotori, Mosquitto, InfluxDB and Grafana architecture to save and display the weather data.
I don't know if anyone can help me... My is…
# Ecowitt WS2910 weather station via Ecowitt GW2000 (Wittboy) and dockerized WeeWX
Setting up WeeWX as a second weather station software besides HomeAssistant.
Very strange. The RPi is using America/Los_Angeles as local timezone. A ```date``` command shows current time in the shell.
The WEEWXtags.php?sce=view shows the $time field as exactly 1 hour slow.
### Discussed in https://github.com/poblabs/weewx-belchertown/discussions/879
Originally posted by **mrneutron42** April 20, 2023
OS: Ubuntu 22.10
weewx: 4.5.1
Belchertown: 1.3 final
I use WeeWX together with the WeeWX driver for Netatmo weather stations to control my OpenSprinkler garden watering system. Instead of sending the data to Wunderground the data is forwarded to the Ope…
Hi, I have tried to activate it with my weewx station. After starting homebridge I get these error message:
[WeatherPlus] Error parsing weather report for Weewx
[WeatherPlus] Error Message: TypeEr…
Installed the driver using the provided instructions, however not option to choose Netatmo driver after running wee_config --reconfigure. When manually setting the driver, the following is shown in sy…