**Is your feature request related to a problem?**
The documentation shows that geopoint may be in many formats. One such format I used is WKT [Well-Known Text]. This is currently in use for my projec…
I don't know if there is something existing that can take a python object and do this, so I'm assuming we need to write one.
A requirement is a request for an organization to add or support something that they do not already cover or support. These might be in the form of a new feature or a new standard. It might need to sp…
A requirement is a request for an organization to add or support something that they do not already cover or support. These might be in the form of a new feature or a new standard. It might need to sp…
Currently you have to write your query as a JSON object using GeoJSON, but there's also the WKT format, and the corresponding `ST_GeomFromText` function - it would need a small test to determine if it…
Adding support for different protocols is all well and good, but I want to know that there's actual content to browse using it. Even with something like text:// you at least have two known sites that …
WKT projection strings are supported in https://github.com/proj4js/wkt-parser but geometry are not.
This (seemingly no longer maintained) project has support for converting WKT geometry to GeoJSON:…
Relevant statistics could include those from #29, as well as number of outstanding implications modulo known equivalences. Links to text files enumerating these various implications would also be use…
### System Info
Python 3.9.18
### Who can help?
_No response_
### Information
- [ ] The official example scripts
- [X] My own modified scr…
### Describe the feature
hi when my nuxt version is "nuxt": "3.9.0",
when i go this page http://localhost:3000/.well-known/apple-app-site-association it opens in page. I mean i can see texts in my b…