Формат хранения dateTime. погуглить запрос https://www.google.com/search?q=render+input+to+wtforms+template+from+datetime+from+sqlalchemy+&sca_esv=c263faa809bdb49e&ei=hJYrZ_3UGNKhseMPk5rkuA8&ved=0ahUK…
The initial data type for `Field.errors` is set to a tuple:
which is reassigned …
The `regexp` validator uses `re.match`:
This means that it's not trivial to en…
The code in forms.py needs updated as below due to changes in form validation from WTForms.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from wtforms import Form, StringField, validators
class LoginFor…
The URL validator supports a scheme, at 3.1.2 the validator regex support `^[a-z]+://` while according to RFC 1738 (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc1738#section-2.1) :
Scheme names cons…
python2.7/site-packages/wtforms/ext/sqlalchemy/__init__.py:7: DeprecationWarning:
wtforms.ext.sqlalchemy is deprecated, and will be removed in WTForms 3.0. Instead transition to the
excellent WTF…
We will need to migrate the design of our forms to be WTForms that are generated in flask and rendered using Jinja templates (this is in the most recent lecture as of time of writing). This will invol…
Would be cool to automatically generate a form for use with Flask / Flask-WTF automatically from a given EasyConfig. Will submit PR later :)
# WTForms 3.0
WTForms for a while has required a redesign to reflect the way things are going in how people actually use forms. WTforms 2.0 was a bri…
crast updated
4 years ago