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In my app I have a traditional `tests/acceptance/foo-test.js` and a new `tests/acceptance/foo.feature`.
Turns out, Yadda compiles the feature into a temporary file and puts it into the tests…
[Playground Link](https://www.typescriptlang.org/play?ts=4.4.0-dev.20210628#code/JYWwDg9gTgLgBAKjgQwM5wEoFNkGN4BmUEIcARFDvmQNwCwAUI8AHYxZQF5ZwAKxYdAG9GcMXAIQIALjioYUVgHN6DcXABGyKLJYBXEBo6r1AbQAmyGMn4Q…
Discovered in conversation at https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/pull/55892#discussion_r1339658106
class C {
yadda = () => {};
class D extends C {
badda() {
Migrated from [rt.perl.org#122815](https://rt-archive.perl.org/perl6/Ticket/Display.html?id=122815) (status was 'open')
Searchable as RT122815$
Possibly related to #4831?
## Environment data
- Language Server version: v2024.2.104
- OS and version: Windows
- Python version (& distribution if applicable, e.g. Anaconda): 3.12
No idea if this should be a CG Note or a WG item mentioned in a charter or yadda yadda but regardless of how it gets published, it sounds like it's blocking other work ~~for there not to have even a d…
# File locations
| Path | Use | Default import must return …
Spoke with @amcasey about this one.
Given the following
`blah` will be an unresolved and should be an error, but we still want find-all-references on this symbol …
yadda yadda yadda...