FAILED CONFIGURATION: @AfterClass com.zebrunner.carina.cucumber.CucumberRunner.tearDownClass(org.testng.TestRunner@1912297c)
let's inspect ports sharing we have to do to organize adb and potentially usbmuxd remote connection.
goal to hide as much as possible and do not expose extra ports.
For example if we deploy stf-ag…
[WARNING] Plugin validation issues were detected in 3 plugin(s)
[WARNING] * org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.3.0
[WARNING] Declared at location(s):
qaprosoft:postgres docker image was removed somehow...
we pushed back as a workaround but need to use zebrunner hub docker repository for that
1. Open STF on mobile device
2. Open iOS device
**Actual result:** Is't not correct screen resolution iphone_11 on STF
**WorkAround**. ./zebrunner.sh restart
build@build:~/tools/mcloud-agent$ docker logs -f device-iPhone_12-000................1003A-connector
[27/09/2024 10:50:10] [INFO]
below you can find how we display current state for unworkable device.
zebrunner-farm status G..UN
Appium: "unhealthy"; STF: "unhealthy"
docker ps -a | g…
It would be great to reuse githu…
1. Run any android or iOS tests
2. Open reporting
3. Open test
4. Download and open Session log
**Actual result:** ffmpeg video recordings log is absent on session.log
let's parametrize vie env var possibility to send device to reboot when we definitely know that's the only applicable case for restoring device.
For example this one: https://github.com/zebrunner/app…