Seems the only features in the dataset that have no EPSG information are NDB, honestly I can't determine if the EPSG for NDB are declared somewhere else as I'm not that skilled with the AIXM code itse…
There are 4 instances in the Donlon sample where dynamic type declarations are used:
This is not allowed by the AIXM GML Profile rules. See section 12.6.5 in the OGC 12-028r1 - U…
I have managed to generate a hundreds of classes using this tool which is a very good, but from looks of things it maybe using some Attributes which are not supported so this could prove a big blocker…
The coded length of the route segment doesn't match the length that I calculate using the start/end points
See the following example:
The following UL123 route can't be displayed in QGIS as the GML is not complete
Seems the element is not coded
I am seeing as an example that the lenghts have a lot of decimal places, wondering if this is supposed to be this way
In example [spacewx-A2-4.tac](https://github.com/wmo-im/iwxxm/blob/master/IWXXM/examples/spacewx-A2-4.tac#L7) the TAC states:
`ABV FL340`
But the [spacewx-A2-4.xml](https://github.com/wmo-im/iwxxm…
Scott Wilson of EUROCONTROL reported an issue involving the validity of an XSD importing multiple XMs including IWXXM (see [this page](https://ext.eurocontrol.int/swim_confluence/display/SCOI/Using+mu…
**I have the following [AIXM 5.1 XML Schema](http://www.aixm.aero/sites/aixm.aero/files/imce/AIXM511/aixm_5_1_1_xsd_with_local_copies.zip) and when I try to deserialize some XML I get this [exception]…
- AeronauticalGroundLight -> should add an ABN, associated with the AirportHeliport
- aixm:AirTrafficControlService gml:id="uuid.902369de-20fd-493e-8b73-01e240efc176” missing type, it should be ACS