There is no doc directory for the RTL8720D SDK.
When I first got started with this board, When I would upload my sketch it would not update. I had to follow this guide along with modifying their python script to use my RS232 USB. https://wiki.seee…
There is a low-cost dev board of RTL8720DN available. It only costs $5.
The RTL8720DN have the same processor, memory and wireless support as the RTL8722, but with lesser GPIO.
When I flashed th…
Dear @xianjimli
I cannot activate my account on Taobao.
Do you know another option for international shipping of this development board?
Thank you.
Thank you.
Does the RTL8722 core support creating a soft access point, like the ESP8266 or ESP32?
I can't see any commands such as **WiFi.softAP()**.
If not, are there any plans to add it?
Are the push buttons J17 and J24 on the RTL8722DM user readable on the input pins?
Alternatively, is there a circuit diagram of the RTL8722DM available so we could answer this sort of question ours…
I'm having a lot of problems creating a Wi-Fi soft access point using a call to **WiFi.apbegin(ssid, pass, channel)**.
If I run the **WiFiAPMode** example it works OK, and I can join the network **…
Today I received an Ameba RTL8722DM IoT Development Board from Seeed Studio.
When I connect the **CON3** USB port to my computer I get **/dev/cu.usbserial-AV0JH7JH** on the **Port** menu.
The DAPLink firmware update link for the RTL8195AM(https://os.mbed.com/platforms/Realtek-RTL8195AM/) board is giving error 404.
Furthermore, I can't register on the realtek website(https://www.ame…
I've installed latest arduino ide and cloned fresh RtlDuino.
When I try to compile sketch, I get the following error:
`exec: "{runtime.tools.ameba_tools.path}/postbuild_img2_arduino_windows.exe": fi…
ru-sh updated
6 years ago