Why did you just created the /src/test/java inside :data?
Hi, i have general question. I have checked test code.
In Data layer test, **test class only tests if some method is called, and does not care about result of method**. Example, RepositoryTest onl…
I just want to clarify what is the right way to pass parameters into use-case. In current example we pass 'userId' via constructor and we know it before we create 'UserComponent'. In case we have anot…
Android-CleanArchitecture是这样做的,module之间的依赖,data和domain层就像android library一样,我个人也认为这样做结构会更清晰一点,而不是都写在一个module中。
I could not find any module with @Provides returning a presenter. However, on UserDetailsFragment, the UserDetailsPresenter is injected. Can anyone explain to me how this works?
Thank you.
Just watched the video by Robert (2012) London Android User Group.
Early in the video Robert is showing the benefits of RoboBinding's MVVM by removing the "Crap" boilerplate code from the activity. S…
start demo in androidstudio then crashed .it happens everytime, here the logcat:
java.lang.VerifyError: com/fernandocejas/android10/sample/data/net/RestApiImpl$AjcClosure1
Why data module has domain module in dependencies list? Why in domain layer there is no dependency on data module? Why presentation layer has dependency on both domain and data layer?
"Data module"