When creating canary script we don't need to pass **'s3://'** in the **s3_bucket** . The [Terraform documentation](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/synthetic…
### What is the problem?
I created a canary using CDK 2.15.0 and the syn-nodejs-puppeteer-3.2 runtime. The canary runs successfully, and stores the artifacts in the bucket, but also throws an Access …
I tired to use AWS Synthetics Canaries to monitor SWB (v5.0) and I'm getting a 403 Application denied error
Is there anything to change on AWS Synthetics Canaries default script OR on SWB to e…
### Describe the bug
I just cloned the repo and tried to build, but it failed.
1. npm i -g yarn
2. yarn install
3. npx lerna run build --scope=aws-cdk-lib
Error I got
10: 0x15d9e59 […
### Description
Every time I deploy, new lambdas associated with the canary resource are created, causing lambdas to become stale and unused. Is there a way to update existing lambda functions on eac…
const deploymentGroup = new codedeploy.LambdaDeploymentGroup(
Set up a canary to alert me if the site ever goes down or breaks.
### Describe the bug
1. put canary into VPC with an existing security group
2. deploy the canary
3. undeply the stack
4. stack failed to deconstruct lambda (of this canary `cwyn-xx`) and the ENI i…
### CloudFormation Lint Version
### What operating system are you using?
### Describe the bug
[cfn-lint] E0002: Unknown exception while processing rule I3013: expected string or byte…
Given the following resource deployed
const ping = new awsnative.lambda.Function("ping", {
role: role.arn,
runtime: "nodejs14.x",
handler: "index.handler",
code: {