This can be done either via babel-macros (would work with CRA out of the box, might be harder) or with babel transforms (might be easier).
using the latest `babel-plugin-styled-components` `1.10.7` the `keyframes` string does not get minified in the output (like whitespaces removed n stuff).
import React, { useCallback, us…
It may be a follow up of #7
I'm getting a build-time error when trying to use this plugin in a storybook without success.
The plugin works well with CRA (using `v1`):
// @ babel-plugin-…
### Describe the bug
Can't resolve '/images/some-image.svg' in 'node_modules/.pnpm/@vanilla-extract+webpack-plugin@2.3.11_@types+node@20.14.13_babel-plugin-macros@3.1.0_less@4.2.0_webpack@5.93…
Using mdx.macro on Windows gets me:
ERROR in C:/Users/thoma/OneDrive/Documents/devel/linear/node_modules/.cache/mdx.macro/icloud.c3ec31aebc.mdx.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'C:User…
* [babel工程化介绍](https://vivaxyblog.github.io/2019/11/19/how-babel-is-built-cn.html)
* [Babel是如何读懂JS代码的](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/27289600)
* [babel-handbook](https://github.com/jamiebuilds/babel-…
I have a components library made with styled components and published on npm. To have better class names, I'm using `babel-plugin-styled-components,` which works well if I'm working locally. If I publ…
Write some basic instructions and examples showing how to:
- Include ES6 modules
- Activate controls
- Configure webpack & babel
- Include nunjuck macros and filters
- Configure express to use macros
I'm creating a new router named "PreparedRouter" using AOT.
This issue is a thread to solicit opinions on concerns.
# 如何实现一个 TypeScript 的宏
## 想法
Babel 是一个优秀的玩具,我们可以在上面做很多有趣的事情,于是我们有了非常多的 Babel 的 plugin,后来大家黑魔法玩多了,就出现了小伙伴说,我不想配置那么麻烦,就有小伙伴开始写了一个 [babel-plugin-macros](https://gith…