After switching systems Bluetooth, bleno.on(stateChange,()=>{}) func is not working
![Screenshot 2020-09-20 at 2 19 21 AM](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/30750191/93689450-13d05b00-fae8…
Hi all,
I've been working on bleno to implement a peripheral BLE device, and i'm now facing a problem when i execute the read request from my phone using a ble scanner app, to read a characteristic…
`new Buffer(...)` is deprecated and unsafe. Could it be replaced with `Buffer.from(...)` in [these places](https://github.com/noble/bleno/search?q=%22new+Buffer%22&unscoped_q=%22new+Buffer%22)?
Is this possible using Bleno in it's current state? I'm developing a peripheral which interfaces with an already existing application, which requires the devices bond using a pre-shared key.
I'm trying ton compile your code with my android phone and a raspberry pi zero. When I start the code, I found my raspberry and the scan page. But when I'm trying to connect to the RPI, the ot…
When I run node main.js only
```bleno - echo``` runs but
```on -> stateChange: poweredOn``` and ``` on -> advertisingStart: success``` does not print, which means my Mac isn't advertising anything. …
(Putting this issue in the cordova-ble repo since it might be related to the underlying plugin code, and to keep BLE issues at one place.)
Developer reported calling writeServiceCharacteristicWithout…
ghost updated
7 years ago
Great library! I'm using bleno on a Raspberry Pi for testing purposes and using an Android phone as the central device. How would I go about setting OOB functionality on the Pi? Or must OOB data …
../src/BluetoothHciSocket.cpp:276:42: error: no matching member function for call to 'NewInstance'
../../nan/nan.h:1045:3: note: 'MakeCallback' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
Moving over from https://github.com/don/node-eddystone-beacon/pull/25 as I would think this would be a bleno issue
Using node-eddystone-beacons's uid/with-tlm.js example which repeatedly calls starta…