> AI - 人工智能;AR - 增强现实;CV - 机器视觉;DL - 深度学习;DM - 数据挖掘;DS - 数据科学;DV - 数据可视化;IOT - 物联网;ML - 机器学习;NLP - 自然语言处理
Is it possible to include the field weakening code from https://github.com/larsmm/hoverboard-firmware-hack-bbcar to increase the top speed of the hoverboard.
Because this projects re-integrates th…
Who we are:
The Brain-Body Dynamics Lab, led by Prof. Francisco Valero-Cuevas, is dedicated to understanding neuromuscular control and the interaction between neural systems and biomechanical/robot…
[This paper](http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=2705609&tool=pmcentrez&rendertype=abstract) describes physiology of graded synapses onto muscles in the c. elegans.
[Here is a …
Hi guys,
Here are the papers I proposed to present in our ANN-CompNeu Reading Club.
1. Is cortical network optimized for storing information? a close look at recurrent network in the brain.
ErbB4 updated
7 years ago
Make more complex, more intuitive, more aesthetically appealing.
Make world bigger.
Incorporate aspects that require deep learning.