### Most appropriate sections of the p5.js website?
Other (specify if possible)
### What is your operating system?
Mac OS
### Web browser and version
not related to browsers
### Actu…
Thanks for this very nice package!
I noticed that the documentation links in the `README.md` file are broken.
All the links from https://github.com/jax-ml/bayeux?tab=readme-ov-file#read-more are broken.
Hi - looks like the files for Office 31 are no longer available:
```datasets = get_office31(["amazon"], ["dslr"], folder=".", download=True)```
```HTTPError: HTTP Error 404: Not Found```
I ran a link checker (https://github.com/lycheeverse/lychee) on our data file, combed through to eliminate the false positives, and did a little investigation into each to see if there was an easy new…
Links under general command does not work such as the viewing help and stuff. but look…
Links under general command does not work such as the viewing help and stu…
I am working for a solution to this, will update this issue for public visibility.
Need to check for broken links in the JSON files.
List of cities and states:
- [x] Akron, OH - CAK
- [x] Alabama - AL
- [x] Annapolis, MD - ANN
- [x] Arizona - AZ
- [x] Arkansas - AR
- [x] …