scala 3.0.0-M2
import cats._
import cats.syntax.all._
trait CanSing[F[_]]:
def sing(song: String): F[String]
given [F[_] : Applicative] as CanSing[F]:
def sing(song: String) = …
I'm hoping you can help me out with an issue we're having with Jenkins + Gemsurance. As of late we're having issues with Gemsurance due to the # of gems in our Gemfile. The issue is that Gem…
Overlays are nice but are they the only way to patch a package for yourself? If not, then what are the other ways and how do they differ when compared to Overlays? When do we use Overlays? Pros Con…
https://github.com/Byron/gitoxide doesn't successfully build with cargo-auditable anymore. It fails in https://github.com/rust-secure-code/cargo-auditable/blob/9fa7fb3988b4d2414397b9550a3f3fd1aa1bc8f2…
Paths in `$"` and `__FILE__` are canonicalized in JRuby
They are not in MRI and in JRuby
We have the same bug in TruffleRuby (https://github.com/oracle/truffleruby/issues/1383).
### What happened?
Problem similar to that described [here](https://github.com/quasarframework/quasar/issues/12613)
I start out with this issue while using Vitetest...
TypeError: Cannot re…
In gitlab CI we currently use `_auth` to pass credentials (username/auth token as base64). While some of the CI users were testing this they forgot to pass credentials which ultimately led to a http 5…
Add an API for interacting with the database.
- Searching for advisories by CVE or gem.
- Testing if a `Gem::Version` is vulnerable.
- Downloading and updating a copy of the database.
I tried a bundle_audit:update and got:
Updating ruby-advisory-db ...
From https://github.com/rubysec/ruby-advisory-db
* branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
Updating be85e28..614dea0
We have .coffeelint.json config file in our project, but engine don't use it