Xamarin Test Cloud (xtc) is migrating to AppCenter, which has a somewhat different upload. Any plans to accommodate this?
We seem to be triggering GitHub's abuse detection more frequently as of late and the result is that our automated process raises an issue to add/modify/delete a given yaml file but we don't submit the…
With support for Azure Pipelines comes the ability to have multiple jobs in a build, which e.g. run on different platform. This means that e.g. artifacts are created and published multiple times in a …
Would be really nice to switch over to use the dotnet-sonarscanner tool, such that .NET Core and .NET 5.0+ projects also can be scanned using this plugin.
While technically not required, adding a dependency in the addin nuspec file to the Cake package in the version agains which the addin was compiled could help users to see in which Cake versions the a…
I don't know if you are aware of the [Cake.GitHub addin](https://cakebuild.net/extensions/cake-github/)? It's an addin for integration with GitHub using Octokit. Currently it supports updating status …
> Creating a new issue for tracking https://github.com/cake-contrib/Cake.DotNetTool.Module/issues/21 created by @brianfeucht given that GitHub doesn't allow transferring issues from one organization t…
We should support column information when reported by InspectCode (offset attribute)
Follow up of https://github.com/cake-build/website/issues/580 and https://github.com/cake-build/website/issues/299. With the combination of Cake version the addin references and TFM we can decide with…
I was working with the EcoGenetics function `genind2ecogen` and having issues assigning data to the XY slot so I removed EcoGenetics and attempted to reinstall it to see if that resolved the…