With our "cascading cheat sheets" mode (it will be described in README.md soon), you can create a hierarchy of cheat sheets servers, where each server delivers local cheat sheets + if a requested chea…
The shortcuts currently available are only listed [here](https://together.jolla.com/question/96836/tohkbd-faq/?answer=96839#post-id-96839). I'd love to see a cheat sheet for these inside the TOHKBD ap…
Please offer a PDF (A4) two-sided cheat sheet.
- functions
- loops
- if
- && and || operators
- string concatenation
- date
- objects
- arrays
Link in [BCO Cheat Sheet](/docs/BCOCheatSheet.pdf) for `"spec_version"` resolves to: https://w3id.org/ieee/ieee-2791-schema/%22 which is not valid. It should be:
>"spec_version": “https://w3id.org/…
> There are also many great cheatsheets availble on the web including:
> Chapter 1 will start with...
> ...
It looks like you forgot to include the cheat sheets...
Btw I think this is a pretty good…
As discussed with @riastradh-probcomp in https://github.com/probcomp/bayeslite/issues/263 and other issues, there are some details that are not exactly part of the BQL syntax but are important for he…
List out equations
Topic or variable search
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Github is widely used in open source contributions So cannot remember all github syntax.