The NDE Register will be used for (at the very least) B&G (#96) and KB.
Please find an example query [here](https://triplestore.netwerkdigitaalerfgoed.nl/sparql?savedQueryName=Full%20dataset%20de…
Now grlc supports dropdown lists for possible parameter values.
Howerever, sometimes users don't want to specify one single value for these parameters, but _all of them_.
This would imply mad-overkill…
Possibility to create things like frequency lists, so that users when can see which variables / values are more important to start with when harmonizing
To reproduce the error, use this curl command:
curl "http://grlc.io/api-git/CLARIAH/grlc-queries/defaults?genre=http%3A%2F%2Fdbpedia.org%2Fresource%2FRock_music&endpoint=https%3A%2F%2Fdbpedia.…
Please add an ID to each query inside a repo, so it’s possible to refer to specifica queries.
The download options should include an option to download the expanded version of the dataset with newly fetched data from other data shops (with the module developed here)
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1. Create a new comment on this issue
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