## 実現したいこと
1. 自動的に apache/trafficserver の master ブランチから trafficserver-doc-ja/trafficserver doc-ja を更新
2. 自動的に Transifex から trafficserver-doc-ja/trafficserver doc-ja を更新
3. doc-ja にマージした内容を自動的に Transif…
When I'm starting sauce tests using command rake sauce:spec I see all of the logs of it running, which messes up the codeship integration. Is it possible to make it run like RSpec for example, without…
Instalación/Configuración de un servidor de integración continua
- Jenkins
- Travis
- Circle
- Codeship
- gitlab ci
- teamcity
- bamboo
We need a continuous testing server to ensure taco compiles and works with different compiler versions on different platforms (gcc, clang, linux, macos). It should run tests every time we commit to ma…
The Web Annotation Protocol is a Candidate Recommendation soon to reach "Technical Recommendation" at the W3C. It's a minimal, Web Annotation moving system. It's minimal enough to have both server and…
Hi there!
First of all, thank you for your amazing job!
Do you plan to provide some examples of continuous integration to for example circleci, codeship or any other?
I guess this could be manag…
Once that npm ci is stable and installable with a node version let's give it a try in codeship.
This gem fails on CI due to segmentation faults arising from the Ruby compiler.
You can see the problem in this 2.4 Travis build for the gem. https://travis-ci.org/CodementorIO/rest-firebase/jobs/2…
We need a continuous integration setup that allows deployment of the site when a pull request is merged.
Examples: TravisCI, CodeShip, CircleCI.
Some of those offer free accounts for open source…
This is just setting up a CI system, not actually doing anything with tests.
Possible candidates I have heard of: Jenkins CI, Travis CI
I'm not quite sure where this will live. Perhaps in another He…