I've added this issue to suggest to add this layout to the app.
I'm trying to do that.
Please consider supporting Colemak as a keyboard layout.
There are no other recently updated Colemak Keyboards in the App Store.
Android has this built in, and would love to see this layout on i…
Colemak is a highly efficient keyboard layout.
Would be great if this includes a 5 row keyboard with that layout.
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `m...@nileshgr.com` on 23 Mar…
Colemak is a highly efficient keyboard layout.
Would be great if this includes a 5 row keyboard with that layout.
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `m...@nileshgr.com` on 23 Mar…
Colemak is a highly efficient keyboard layout.
Would be great if this includes a 5 row keyboard with that layout.
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `m...@nileshgr.com` on 23 Mar…
Colemak is a highly efficient keyboard layout.
Would be great if this includes a 5 row keyboard with that layout.
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `m...@nileshgr.com` on 23 Mar…
Colemak is a highly efficient keyboard layout.
Would be great if this includes a 5 row keyboard with that layout.
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `m...@nileshgr.com` on 23 Mar…
Colemak is a highly efficient keyboard layout.
Would be great if this includes a 5 row keyboard with that layout.
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `m...@nileshgr.com` on 23 Mar…
I see in codeboard/app/src/main/res/xml there is a dvorak.xml which, being very new to coding, I assume means I could add that layout to my codeboard app... if this is correct, how would I do it, and …
- 微软双拼显示分号(;) #190
- 独立数字行
- 仓颉/注音输入法在键盘上显示对应的符号
- QWERTZ/AZERTY/Dvorak/Colemak 等键盘布局
- 九宫格拼音 #109
- 日语十二键 #375
- 用户自定义键盘布局
Keyboard layout controlled by input…
rocka updated
3 weeks ago