We have seen in instagram and snapchat the virtual makeover.
The detected landmarks of f…
Background extraction (back_extract) is functional but not particularly awesome.
Once there are more images, implement a machine learning image classification step to find seals.
Currently no isophotal ellipse model is available. Though models exist with similar levels of expressiveness, the isophotal ellipse model is an industry standard that should be available. The challeng…
findContours() seems to always be applied to the entire image, and ignores any region of interest that has been set prior.
Shouldn't findContours() be conducted only on the ROI, or is ROI only for im…
MRIの画像一枚をdeep learningにfeedして、学習してもらい、自動でパーキンソン症候群鑑別をすることを目的としています。
用いたいMRI画像は添付論文で用いられているFigure 1Eの断面です。
この論文のFigure 1Eの中で線を引いている部分の長さでもってパーキンソン症候群の鑑別が従来の方法(面積測定)より早く、…
In my opinion, there should be some kind of OpenCV technical notes for certain important algorithms. The idea is to summarize in a document different things like implementation details, implementation…
Our test suite is getting slower.
See stats over the past year (same thing for windows, macos has a discontunuity most likely due to an infrastructure change on the github side)
When I use ARM to compile, I use clangd to parse the source code, and the basic types are not recognized.
**V[16:55:58.073] Dropped diagnostic: /home/lichjian/code/rlecompress_demo/find_contours.cpp:…
Hi, I am trying to extract C16 raw patches using hs2p with below configurations:
csv: 'camelyon16.csv' # path to the .csv / .txt file containing slides paths
output_dir: '/vast/WSI_datasets…