I followed portaudio documentation http://portaudio.com/docs/v19-doxydocs/compile_mac_coreaudio.html, but it's not integrating in iOS.
I think it's integrating in Mac OS. portaudio will support iOS …
Build fivescopestandalone of project fivescope with configuration Debug
ProcessInfoPlistFile /Users/oli/Downloads/audiounitjs-master/examples/fivescope/fivescope/build/Debug/Five-Scope.app/Contents/I…
### Code
Tip of https://github.com/mozilla/cubeb-coreaudio-rs/ (or at least `44eca95823`). This only happend when doing `cargo test`, not when doing `cargo build`. This works well in current re…
## File Formats
- [x] FLAC
- [x] MPT (tracker files)
- [x] MP3
- [x] OGG/Vorbis
- [x] OGG/Opus
- [x] [QOA](https://qoaformat.org)
- [x] WAVE
## Output
- [x] [AAudio](https://android.googles…
*Issue created by @RossBencina*
PA/CoreAudio doesn't handle sample rate change notifications correctly while streams are running. Especially if it's using a sample rate converter object.
Correct Cor…
There are lots of memory leaks found by _LeakSanitizer_
The result of running `RUSTFLAGS="-Z sanitizer=leak" cargo test` is `SUMMARY: LeakSanitizer: 16950 byte(s) leaked in 400 allocation(s).`:
*Issue created by @RossBencina*
Calculation of inputBufferAdcTime for input-only streams is dependent on output sample rate:
timeInfo.inputBufferAdcTime = HOST_TIME_TO_PA_TIME(inTimeStamp->…
I'm using 7.1 channels for streaming.
When I try to use FFmpeg aac for streaming, the web player seems can't load the stream. Only CoreAudio AAC works.
And I notice the FFmpeg aac seems like using…
#### Progress
- [x] Add OpenAL as a sound output ( #93 )
- [x] Fix project not building on Linux/OSX due to filename case sensitivity ( 588bc9bb04e2b04200a43405a1b7c8e77c767c2c )
- [x] Add support …
opcon updated
4 years ago
**Description of the bug**
CoreAudio crashes when using WeChat voice chat and BackgroundMusic at the same time on macbook air - M1
**Steps to reproduce**
1. put on headphones, open console.app