1 - Please update the Brazilian confirmed cases, right know there are 19 confirmed cases according to Ministry of Health.
Confirmed - 19
Deaths - 0
Recovered - 0
Existing - 19
Output of: `corona -l 10`:
corona-cli v3.8.6 by Awais.dev
Track the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
ℹ Sorted by: cases
@CSSEGISandData please update the Brazilian confirmed cases to 30.
Rio de Janeiro just confirmed +5 cases, now there’re 30 confirmed cases.
Source: https://www.brasil247.com/brasil/brasil-tem-30…
Hello, everybody,
According R7 a newspaper from brazil. Brazil has the first confirmed case of the virus.
> https://noticias.r7.com/jr-24h/boletim-jr-24h/videos/primeiro-caso-de-coronavirus-no-bra…
Brazil total is 2
Ref: https://www.saude.gov.br/noticias/agencia-saude/46460-sao-paulo-notifica-novo-caso-confirmado-de-coronavirus
It seems Brazilian govern changed their website because the data is not being updated. Deaths should be 18, but it shows only 4.
I'm talking about this btw: https://api.apify.com/v2/key-value-stores/…
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> coronavirus$Country.Region %>% unique
[1] "Japan" "South Korea" "Thailand" "Main…
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