If you want to tackle any of these, just reply below, and I'll mark that you're on it!
- [x] additional test coverage - **Gabe** and **Karin**
- [x] legend for color in precinct_level_plot **Gabe*…
Please could you indicate the expected results on the data set provided? Are high NLPDs and RMSEs expected on other regression data sets? Please see the ISMOE column below on UCI datasets. …
## Tell us about it
In Bambi we have a function called `plot_cap` that is used to obtain visualizations of the fitted curve. We overlay a credible interval so users can visualize the uncertainty ar…
The paper suggest:
"However, given sufficient data it should be possible to conclude that there are (at least) two effect variables, and that
$$(b_1\ne 0\text{ or }b_2\ne0)\text{ and }(b_3\ne0\…
We might want to provide tooltip and grouping information somehow as part of the common plotting interface. Even if some backends can't include that into the plot, it would be a great win for those th…
The corner plot shows the same mean the fitter gave but not the same errors. I tried to figure out what the issue in the code was, but I couldn't find it.
in the function hdi_of_mcmc, could it be that the standard configuration actually calculates a slightly off HDI?
let's assume we want to calculate the 0.95 interval, then the two lines would …
TMB is used through R exclusively with the TMB package, although it requires a separate cpp script with the model. It's kid of analogous to using JAGS (where the model is written in BUGS language and …
# ...
# Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA's
# icr 6.622260 7.842431 8.377997 8.494023 9.128963 10.23…
It would be useful to be able to test against an interval of beta values and compute FSOS and svalues in a similar fasion to the [apeglm](https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/apeglm.htm…