Put your ideas in as comments by Wednesday, April 29th. Let's decide on what to read by the end of the next week (May 1st).
I realized, even though its been mentioned many times in comments on other issues, and it was touched upon in #934, that _I couldn't find an issue specifically targeting specializations_. Here goes:
Since time hasn't been on my side lately, and for some more months likely, I found the reason to take a hard look at the project as realistically as possible to see how it should best be furthered.
Sorry, this is just a brainstorming ticket since I am not sure where to go with Android.
I have ported bits of C++ Gosu to Android during one Ludum Dare competition:
It would be good be able to constrain generic variables, just like common variables - exact same concept: _(I'm skipping the meat of the classes just to show the concept.)_
[ed: 2016-09-12, modified …
A while ago a suggestion came up to inline some of the code (e.g. method calls) to speed up Contracts, but to use an automated tool to do it so our code can remain nice. Perhaps other performance incr…
## Discussion
The [.has_constant?](https://crystal-lang.org/api/master/Crystal/Macros/TypeNode.html#has_constant?(name:StringLiteral|SymbolLiteral):BoolLiteral-instance-method) method allows determ…
We recently had a discussion in gitter and found out that you can have an access to type instance methods on class level, i.e. https://carc.in/#/r/6evi:
class Foo
def foo
Apologies in advance as I'm just not sure where a general WebAssembly dev chat might be taking place.
What are the "proper" steps for bringing a language over to WebAssembly presently, especially a…
Using short block syntax with macro yield is broken because the implicit receiver is mapped to a non-existent local variable instead of the macro block argument.
macro foo
{{ yield "foo" …