Right now, `Threaded` is your only option if you need a thread-safe queue. This is heavily suboptimal for large numbers of items.
Consider the following script:
Since `project.janet` is just a series of instructions to jpm, would it be feasible to make jpm recognize top-level datastructures that encode the same operations as `declare-project`, `declare-execut…
using ModelingToolkit
using StructuralIdentifiability
const SI = StructuralIdentifiability
function testSI()
t = ModelingToolkit.t_nounits
D = ModelingToolkit.D_nounits
@Dashadower compare_vensim_stan.mdl.zip below is a vensim file with the datastructure you've requested -- Light blue variable `exog demand` is datastructure and dark blue `table for order fulfillment …
This would speed up typechecking and would be a cool data structure.
Please feel free to add as many Data Structure algos as you want. PR will be merged
# 자료구조 - Tree(트리) | JIKJIK
pkg> st DataStructures
[864edb3b] DataStructures v0.18.18
julia> using DataStructures
julia> dd = DefaultDict(1, :a => (2,))
DefaultDict{Symbol, Tuple{Int64}, Int64} with 1…
tpapp updated
8 months ago
Given the following data structure:
DataStructure Price
Decimal Amount;
ShortString Currency;
Is it possible that `Amount` is by default set to `0M` instead of null?
Currently, our container types includes the following:
- `OrderedSet`s
- `LittleDict`s
- `Tuple`s
- `Pattern`s
- `KeyedArray`s / `NamedDimsArray`
This can make it hard to follow what operati…